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How to Use BIOSOAK

BIOSOAK quickly eats those ugly stains on your driveway and garage floor or anywhere oil has been spilled.  One package of BIOSOAK will take care of approximately nine (9) square feet of oil-stained floor space. 


IT'S REUSABLE FOR MONTHS:  Put your used quantity of BIOSOAK in a container and store for later use.  You will find that used BIOSOAK will perform exactly like the new product.


To use DRY:  Recommended for small or fresh stains.  Simply sprinkle evenly on the stain. Use dry on spill that just happened and sweep immediately. Check for desired stain-removal results, re-apply and repeat sweeping process as needed until your floor is clean. BIOSOAK will return to nature leaving nothing harmful behind. To speed the composting process, add a small amount of nitrogen garden fertilizer to the compost.


To use WET:   Add BIOSOAK to bucket.  Add water to cover.  Let rest a few minutes so BIOSOAK can absorb some water.  Liberally apply the BIOSOAK to your stain and scour with a sturdy shop broom.  (You could leave the BIOSOAK to work for several hours and return for stronger digesting affect--4 to 8 hours or more, then scour again and sweep up.  Inspect the treated area.  Often extremely stubborn stains caused by many years of accumulation or on porous surfaces such as unsealed concrete will respond well after being digested by BIOSOAK to a once-over with a good soap designed specifically for concrete-cleaning.


DISPOSAL:   You can dispose of used BIOSOAK in household trash or it can be composted. BIOSOAK will return to nature leaving nothing harmful behind. To speed the composting process, add a small amount of nitrogen garden fertilizer to the compost.


**BIOSOAK may not lift indigestible solids that have migrated into the deep pores of concrete which can happen when stains are very old.


BIOSOAK is made from natural ingredients and contains no harmful chemicals solvents or carcinogens.  It is 100% natural. The only byproducts from its cleaning action are water and carbon dioxide. BIOSOAK is 100% safe for the environment.

Contains beet pulp, polyacrylamide polymers and oil-digesting enzymes.


Manufacturing uses for BIOSOAK absorbent provides absorption of any machine oil leaks and will actively begin digesting them using the enzymes and bacteria mix in the formula.

BIOSOAK is designed to be used in extreme ranges in temperatures.

BIOSOAK is light weight for the operators or maintenance personnel to handle and can be reused!  Just sweep up and store in container and reapply as required to other spills or leaks.


The disposal can be in house by composting or put in the trash. 

Caution: Extremely slippery when wet, do not take internally. Not a viable source of nutrition.

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