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Schroeder Lease
The following is a summary of the procedures, data analysis and results obtained during the bioremediation of saltwater contamination at Mayew Oil site referred to as the Schroeder Lease. This site’s size is relatively small and located at the edge of a wooded subdivision. Jeff Angel construction was requested to perform bioremediation of this site which has stood contaminated by salt water. The information contained in this report will be presented to Brian Royers, IN DNR Oil and Gas Division for salt water contamination (812) 317-417-6556. The forested site has been tested by Brian and is found to have two areas of general contamination. There exist indigenous grasses and weeds growing there. There are several dead trees in this area. The test site is about 2000 square feet. This site is considered to be mildly contaminated by the DNR.

Bioremediation Mayhew Oil and Gas Co.
Expected Results
Conductivity at the salt contamination site will drop from current conductivity readings by the DNR of 300-1034 to between 130-150 Milli/Siemens after a 5-8-week intervention period.
Planting of salt tolerant plants will be discussed and since the work is being performed in late June and early July, planting may have to be postponed until the planting season, being August 15 thru September 15.
1. Biosoak--patent pending
2. Diatomaceous earth
3. Proprietary blend of organic nutrients
4. Barley and Sweet clover and Alfalfa and Grass shade mix
1. Saltwater soil sampling
2. Site preparation
3. Application of Materials
4. Soil analysis weekly
5. Final soil analysis
DATA Preliminary Test Parameters Salt - PH - Conductivity -Total Dissolved Solids
Tests samples are taken from Left to right, beginning at firewall and near large tree, and are able to be viewed in the test data, located in separate file.
The Final test results, reflect the average of the last test.
Date 8-17-16
Salt PPT PH Conductivity TDS
average .059 9.43 117 82
From June 20, 2016 to August 15, 2016 about 2 months, remediation of the Schroeder leased was performed, for the Mayhew Gas and Oil Company.
Jeff Angel of Angel Construction has done this project with the following Hypothesis.
By ionic structuring of the liquids that are applied to the working bacteria and media used for fuel to supply the bacteria, ionic separation of sodium chloride is possible, Salt hydrolysis as observed by the increase of the test area PH indicate such effect was occurring.
Bacteria, is a patented product, Biosoak, and is a blend of proprietary bacteria that are both aerobic and anaerobic. The microbes compete for the type of fuel that is most appealing for their use. Through time microbial competition will develop strains that like their environment and multiply in the greatest numbers, creating salt eating microbes and bacteria.
Bacteria with the mix used to fuel them create themselves a type of cellular battery and are electrically charged. Electrical magnetic frequency is created by nature by Incident Radiant Energy ( Electromagnetic Radiation ) The water that is ionically structured uses this type of energy to re- establish ionic order.
The ground heat and higher PH, was an indication marker for observing, cell respiration at cell levels, with the effect of changing the cellular charge, creating charge separation in the soil.
Ionization of a compound alters its physical behavior and macro properties, involving Solubility and Lipophilicity ( hydrophobicity).
The salt is difficult to treat for a reason that organic acids are weak to ionize and at any one time most of the acid ( salt ) will be present in solution as un-ionised molecules. This can be witnessed by observation of salt precipitates formed on contaminated ground at brine spill sites. Using a water structure device is the method to deal with water as a solvent and salt (Nacl-) as a non - polar solvent. By breaking the hydrogenous bond of salt its bond can be broken apart.
The control test showed that the site was moderate in contamination, but had small areas of high concentrations of salt. The first month the site was treated with various amendments serving both the bacteria and the soil.
Increase test numbers indicated both electrical cell action and bacterial fermentation was occurring. Once test results stabilized and were low enough to plant, the last phase of treatment began.
Soil amendments of ground milled hay , compost, were tilled into already tilled soil at the site. Seeding of alfalfa, red clover, shade grass and barley, was applied and tilled lightly.
The summer was a wet one and the last month rain events was enough for the site to germinate seed and grow a cover crop.
The application of soil amendments to the site re- started the cellular activity of the site and the test numbers went up as when the treatment started in the beginning of the project. However the numbers in the second week after the seedling dropped to their lowest test numbers and finished the project in the less than 120 milli/siemens, conductivity.
A short observation shows that two months for the chemical reactions of more than one theory to take place was needed and the bacterial process played an important role, not only in the theory, that salt microbes can be grown at the test site, but microbes can create electric energy that break salt (nacl-) chemical bond. That bacterial fermentation, can decompose salt. That structured water ions, played an important role in the combined hypothesis, in its ordering of water electrical layers, improving the transcellular movement of the treated site, and ionic exchange.
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